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am gae... September 1, 2023 1:38 pm

I was crying the whole time! ya know everytime i see kan chan hurt yumi, MY HEART BROKE. JUST WHYY!? I'm really glad they broke up. For me, that kind of relationship will never ever deserve having a second chance, i mean NOOO I just can't anymore. (but i wonder why i rooted for the mc in ESCAPE JOURNEY, that was painful, very very painful but i just want for them to be happy so as long as they are happy, i have nothing to say) I love yumi. i love mayama, but I'm so fond to Kan-chan. HE IS SO PITIFUL!! really glad he got his own story, and i really love this author, NEVER FAILED TO MAKE ME CRY EVERYTIME I READ THEIR STORY.
