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Idk this was pretty fun to read but then i started feeling a little strange about it… li...

pop September 2, 2023 5:19 pm

Idk this was pretty fun to read but then i started feeling a little strange about it… like the MC said, the ML is literally forcing himself to like her… maybe I’m a romanticist but that sounds so artificial. Not sure how to describe it but literally forcing his feelings for the sake of it? But maybe it’s just me who feels this way

    Emerald15 October 2, 2023 11:28 am

    I personally don't see anything wrong or unromantic about it. Not all love starts quickly or at first sight. Sometimes feelings need time to grow before t can turn to like, especially for someone who's never loved unconditionally like Taiga. And I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to like someone who's very good to you (unless the purpose is to use them to move on from other people). It's pretty common actually, like someone who date a person who confessed to them but then they end up liking that person for real :)