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Might escalate into war? You get involve in that mess because of Princess Tao in the first...

joan November 8, 2016 3:37 pm

Might escalate into war? You get involve in that mess because of Princess Tao in the first place.
While I do pity Princess Kouren and surprised by General Yu Hon cruelty, I still believe that it is wrong of her to start a war with Kouka.
If Kouka attack them, that's another thing, but with the current state of Shin, they won't last long against Kouka. Kouren shouldn't let her hatred got the better of him. I hate So Won too, probably with as much passion as Kouren hate Yu Hon and So Won, but if I want to win against Kouka, I will seek allies first and improve the economy first. You can't win a war without money and resources. War need food, weapon, and armor.
Kouren seems to know next to nothing about Kouka current state clearly. What So Won is doing, what is So Won weakness, etc. It's best to destroy Kouka from the inside rather than with a war. Using another opium to weak their youth, using scandal and civil war to tore them apart, make the clans go against each other. It takes time, yes, but it will keep So Won and Kouka busy. Therefore, they will direct their attention toward other things than Shin.
Ps : Why don't I get surprised by Yu Hon betrayal? I guess like father like son, betrayal is part of their blood.
