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Megirl6473 September 2, 2023 11:57 pm

This is actually like a Mis leading love triangle as like it triangle never triangles if you know what I mean.

Anyways regardless i loved this story every semi main character was developed so nicely. The main relationship, the future talk was so interesting as it took a different approach. Rather than do what u will enjoy do what will leave u with no regrets. Then the MCs best friend arc was my 2nd favorite arc her journey of self heal and love without wanting to be in a relationship was such a surprise (a happy one) as I had never seen that portrayed in one of these romance stories. My favourite arc through were about the two male leads. (eh not really tbh as one takes a back burner once the main couple start dating). The two do them were best friends since they were kids like 10 years of age. They grew apart in high-school but still interacted if not very distant in collage. The whole arc tackled growing apart from he best friend as a kid and how both of you change so much and then the steps needed to become close again. Like they have such a wonderful friendship that I haven't ever seen portrayed in such a caring way between two guys like this. They love each other but like fully platonic and I love that so much.

Anyways 9.9/10
