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Still trying to figure out the gender of the emperor the TL keeps swapping. As angry as I...

Spangles September 4, 2023 5:43 am

Still trying to figure out the gender of the emperor the TL keeps swapping.

As angry as I am at the Crown Prince I have to say he was also a child raised in a birdcage to be useless and non threatening to the nobles in order to preserve his life just like his sister. The only difference is that she has 7 years of hindsight as well as an imperial education in alchemy and possibly politics. I'm really unsurprised he was used and actually impressed that they needed to brainwash him honestly.

    thisBarbielovestorant September 23, 2023 8:05 am

    the emperor is a woman, i think translation just use emperor because shes not empress (consort)? shes emperor but a woman emperor, so not empress, maybe its just the way of that empires title works

    Spangles September 23, 2023 11:51 am

    Yeah I figured it out pretty much the next chapter. It wasn't the title emperor that was confusing me just that the translations sometimes used he him and other times she her and sadly I was pretty sure we weren't blessed with an NB Emperor