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Break :3

lovely *o* September 5, 2023 1:20 am

Hi again~ Before the last two chapters are uploaded, I’ll be taking a break (not for too long lol, maybe a week or less)

In case you didn’t know, chapter 42 is the last actual chapter of this manwha and then there’ll be an extra chapter. I’m sure there are no plans for season three? Maybe

    lesbiankeanu September 7, 2023 12:08 am

    WHAT?!?!?! the break is fine, rest up and all that, but it’s just… left hanging? unfinished? when was the last time the author touched this comic cuz i really wanna know what happens

    haneul September 7, 2023 8:49 pm
    WHAT?!?!?! the break is fine, rest up and all that, but it’s just… left hanging? unfinished? when was the last time the author touched this comic cuz i really wanna know what happens lesbiankeanu

    this comic is 7 years old so i don't think there is a chance it gets another season

    lovely *o* September 9, 2023 8:00 pm
    WHAT?!?!?! the break is fine, rest up and all that, but it’s just… left hanging? unfinished? when was the last time the author touched this comic cuz i really wanna know what happens lesbiankeanu

    My exact reaction. Nothing we can do though huh? I wish the author didn’t leave it like this though :(

    lesbiankeanu September 10, 2023 5:08 pm
    this comic is 7 years old so i don't think there is a chance it gets another season haneul

    NOOOOOO im kms this is so sad…. thank u op for translating but damn. yeah it’s never gonna finish