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C'mon how is Sukuna supposed to die before Kenjaku?? Even though he's like the antagonist ...

Lilachen September 11, 2023 1:09 pm

C'mon how is Sukuna supposed to die before Kenjaku?? Even though he's like the antagonist king since the start. Tho I do want Megumi to come back alive uurrgghh why is it have to be the face-off between Gojo and geto again? And how is Gojo supposed to beat Kenjaku without destroying geto's body to dust?? Doesn't he want to mourn his body first? geto better be reborn again after this damn the guy can't even rest in peace even though he'd said he couldn't be happy in this world and now can't even rest in the underworld and still fighting... Give him a fckn break
