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I read it all and it’s dark…

Akira September 11, 2023 7:15 am

Spoiler alert
So basically Aoi (the black haired boy) was killed and SA’d by the old sussy grandpa who is another tenant in the apartment. It happened because Aoi told Fukuta to come to their secret spot later after he hangs out with his friends (but he like forgot) and then afterwards Aoi went missing. Fukuta after hearing this news is heart broken and tries to desperately find Aoi and accidentally slips into the river. He barely survives but afterwards he totally forgot Aoi and erases the incident from his memory until he sees Aoi again in the apartment. Also, if you are wondering why Aoi is in the apartment, he basically died there and remains as a ghost which is why he’s stuck in his juvenile state. (Backstory: Aoi had a pretty bad situation at home and was forced to study hard by his mom and he was really stressed about it so having Fukuta’s company really helped him a lot. After he seems Futuka get along with other kids he starts to feel isolated again and foolishly follows the old grandpa to be away from his home which was like after he sees that their secret spot was destroyed. As you can expect the old grandpa did not had pure intentions on providing shelter for Aoi.) Fukuta after piecing everything together found out what happens and kills the old grandpa and finds Aoi’s remains in the cookie box in the apartment closet and brings it back with him to their hometown (I believe). This all unravels gradually, but I thought it would be nice for people to know what happens if they are curious. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
