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Can't stand the protagonist...

Sanquin November 12, 2016 5:42 pm

I wish I could read this manwha any further, but I just can't. I've only read until just after the tournament but I just can't like the protagonist. He's just so...passive and emotionless. The artist drawing him only gives him like 2 facial expressions. (neutral pretty boy or slightly smiling) He passively watches as someone gets his ass kicked (the great sage) then suddenly when the sage gets fatally wounded he suddenly becomes...enraged I guess? (his face didn't show any expressions so hard to tell.) He insists on not killing someone even though that person has already been completely lost to darkness and evil and has killed dozens of other people just before. I mean, just...ugh. =/

Plus I'm now noticing that the manwha was apparently discontinued as it isn't updated any more...
