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What kind of story is this!?

jamme82736 September 13, 2023 10:46 am

There seem to be no plot, like it just skip a whole bunch of thing. All of a sudden a bunch of people just died, and her sister too. Like there so many people and it feel like they just died in 1 sec. Then all of a sudden slivers already replaced her sister, like it was out of nowhere. And it feel weird how she was kind of scared of the prince for a moment and then all of a sudden a scene of her being in awe of the fireworks. It is like the plot just pop up there and there. Idk if maybe it is because of the translation or the plot of the story is supposed to be like that or bc of the art. It would have seem like a good story if they add more detail of the plot story I think. Imma just wait for more chapter to come out before reading this and see of there are any change. (⊙…⊙ )
