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okay.. I am not denying that I don't love these scenes *they are super hwattt* But I want ...

Frozen September 13, 2023 11:58 am

okay.. I am not denying that I don't love these scenes *they are super hwattt* But I want the story to move somewhere too. Finally with addition of new character, the story was heading elsewhere and bamm jk is abusing our poor dan again. The art, character, everything is like damnnn good but I need the story to move. Please Please I really enjoy this story and wanna know what happens next always.

    scandalmomo September 13, 2023 12:53 pm

    I only follow it for the beautiful art, but the Story is soo.... Meh
    No character development, who knows how long it will be, but after 30+ chapters I want JK to be a bit nicer (at least he payed his bills.. Probably to be able to chain Dan to himself, and talked to his grandma lol)

    Kiki_manga September 13, 2023 1:03 pm

    I'm someone that can't tolerate smex without feelings , so the fact that jaekyung is a fucking toxic asshole and Dan obviously doesn't want it makes the smexy scenes so icky to me.

    Frozen September 13, 2023 4:02 pm
    I only follow it for the beautiful art, but the Story is soo.... MehNo character development, who knows how long it will be, but after 30+ chapters I want JK to be a bit nicer (at least he payed his bills.. Pro... scandalmomo

    exactly.. after living together and having so much sexy time, why haven't jk soften towards Dan not even little bit . like he treats him the same as he did during their first meeting. no softness . not even his inner monologue like there should be some change, shouldn't it be? Yeah, he is little jealous but he became worse. and we are like so many chapters in.

    Frozen September 13, 2023 4:05 pm
    I'm someone that can't tolerate smex without feelings , so the fact that jaekyung is a fucking toxic asshole and Dan obviously doesn't want it makes the smexy scenes so icky to me. Kiki_manga

    Well, now if I see it that way I feel bad. But after reading weirdest manga and manhwas which are worse and cruel and bizarre than this, I am numb to all. I on focusing more on art. And the creator is like good with those scenes and art. But I agree, sex without feelings is no for me too.

    Frozen September 13, 2023 4:06 pm

    And also with these type of genre, but I await must is abusive seme falling madly for poor uke and going head over heels for them. those are sweet moments . waiting for them. hen we gonna get that.

    Kiki_manga September 13, 2023 11:12 pm
    And also with these type of genre, but I await must is abusive seme falling madly for poor uke and going head over heels for them. those are sweet moments . waiting for them. hen we gonna get that. Frozen

    Yeah to some level, but I feel like there some abusiveness that can't be rewarded with a redemption arc. Just death or something worse than that. If he was just being an ass, okay but he is a literal fucking rapist. But as you said you are numb to it and I'm not happy reading, I'm dropping this manhwa