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I really feel bad for everyone in this, it's really heartbreaking but it's reality for mos...

ClosetedBItch September 14, 2023 2:14 pm

I really feel bad for everyone in this, it's really heartbreaking but it's reality for most. I feel bad that chisoo can't leave the organization but he was also right that his sins were heavier. I feel bad for rowa for clinging to the smallest kindness he was shown but I'm glad that the same kindess gave him hope. I feel bad for jungkwon and the way most people treated him but I also feel sad on how he treated rowa. I feel bad for kangjin the way he waited and try to fill his heart for 9 years just to break his heart the moment he loved again,though I'm glad he started to love himself in the end. I hope that everyone wjo read this that are going through the same thing can find happiness even those who don't

    Son Minji April 1, 2024 12:04 pm

    Beautiful paragraph:(
    You're right. Reality is different. Love is always enough to save broken relationships