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Consensus on FL

XxXxX September 16, 2023 3:01 am

I’m glad I’m not the only one that doesn’t like FL rn. In fact, her sister is higher on my list than her. What person in her right mind goes to see her attacker off on their punishment? She’s offering “forgiveness” to someone who didn’t ask for nor wanted it. Like FL forgiving her has no consequence on her punishment. She’s not being brave or kind at all in this situation.

    demon13o September 19, 2023 7:59 pm

    She thinks she is, but I'm sure the author had her do that because later down the line the girl is going to be eaten away at the guilt of having used a curse on the FL and would have wanted forgiveness then. I'm pretty sure the tears in the carriage were either over her loss of everything [but she was zombie mode earlier so that might not be it] or she could sit with it long enough to realize she'd been forgiven of almost killing her from the curse. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    That's my thought process, yeah the FL did come off a little boasting but at the same time she's more naive then we thought. She just wanted to ease her load even if it didn't come off that way now, but if you sit for a moment to think it does relieve some guilt that would have settled on the poor girl going to the monastery. Granted she did do bad and I shouldn't pity her either. I've read a lot of stories and what she did is something people tend to think on last when there is no going back.

    And example would be say you said some really harmful words to a friend or a family member but before you could apologize they died so they couldn't forgive you as well. At first it wouldn't seem like something that would bug you but as time goes by you have been recalling this memory as the last interaction you had with them. You never apologized and are living with this thought "would they have forgiven me?" and it would eat at you until it makes you sick. The guilt eats at you wrecking your mental health, mind you that you can seek ways to hide that guilt by seeing professionals but in the end it's still there waiting and growing in size. You may forgive them, but the thought of was I forgiven will not leave no matter how much you change to be better. o.o I may have gone a bit dark there, but that's what I took away from that chapter.