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This webtoon proves how we can’t expect artists to be authors. It’s best to separate t...

Claire Louise <3 September 16, 2023 5:04 am

This webtoon proves how we can’t expect artists to be authors. It’s best to separate the two. The art is great but the writing could benefit from a dedicated writer. However, from what I’ve seen regarding the novel that this is based on, I don’t have much hope that a writer can vastly improve on the story unless they scrap a good chunk of it.

    osama isabelle laden September 17, 2023 3:03 am

    the writer and artist are different. this is a novel

    Claire Louise <3 September 20, 2023 8:22 pm
    the writer and artist are different. this is a novel osama isabelle laden

    I know it’s a novel. I said it in my previous comment. If the writer of the novel is the one writing the webcomic adaptation, they should’ve known better. Writing a novel and writing a webcomic adaptation of a novel are two different things in the same way as the authors of Twilight and Harry Potter didn’t write the screen adaptations but, instead, it was screenwriters.

    However, as I said previously, given the source material of the novel itself whose story leaves much to be desired, unless the adaptation changes much, it’s going to be ass regardless of who the adaptation writer is.