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depression gang

sh1tlord September 18, 2023 1:00 am

hey, i feel like this comic is more taboo than many other gay adult comics, and that it might be a magnet for people going through depression. so, if you're also part of the depression gang, please remember that this is fiction, and if you're spiraling or making a plan, please consider contacting a regional suicide helpline. whether you're 72 or 15, whatever you're going through, there are other options, and things can get better or more comfortable, but you have to reach out. i also want to make clear that you're not bad for having suicidal thoughts or thinking about death. regarding suicidal ideation, it often means you've been stressed to the limit. that's from circumstances, that's not you, and circumstances can change. ultimately, what you decide is up to you, but i hope you decide to keep living.

personally, i'm right there with you. my most recent attempt was a few months ago, after my rx ran out & other shit hit the fan. i failed in my attempt, but this drove me to find resource links & contact a temp agency to find better work. so now things are stable, slightly improved, and i'm clawing my way out & rediscovering little joys again. and i hope that you can also find stability & joy in your life, too.

as for this comic, it's so early on. it's hard to guess where it's going beyond our planner & our ceo smooching. i hope it's more of a comedy than a tragedy. i wish i knew more of the author's work, that might help indicate the general flow & mood of the story, but who knows!
