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Bruh where is this shit going. The author keeps stretching this shit when it could’ve en...

Pie September 20, 2023 5:23 pm

Bruh where is this shit going. The author keeps stretching this shit when it could’ve ended chapters ago

    Ghowri October 3, 2023 2:05 pm

    Tru tru. Resolving shet with prince theo should've been the end and none of this love triangle shet, omg I have two the ones trash writing should have happened. Author legit shoul've just focused on the plot of them not dying at the end instead of making more unnecessary drama lmao

    Pie October 5, 2023 12:02 pm
    Tru tru. Resolving shet with prince theo should've been the end and none of this love triangle shet, omg I have two the ones trash writing should have happened. Author legit shoul've just focused on the plot of... Ghowri

    literally it’s so long for no reason