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what is guideverse

sicario September 21, 2023 6:12 am

just partially read a story with it and kind of got the gist but still unclear on it? so is it like one person gives another powers ?

    vincent3003 September 21, 2023 6:33 am

    It’s basically a sci-fi setting where monsters come and attack earth. To adapt, some humans evolved to have supernatural powers to fight monsters. They are called Espers. However, when espers use their powers, they become unstable. So other humans evolved to soothe and stabilize these espers through physical touch. These are called guides. Most guideverse stories focus on the relationship between a guide physically soothing their esper and how the relationship evolves from a physical and professional one into a more emotional and romantic one. Hope this helps

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ September 21, 2023 6:38 am

    It's basically differentiate on how author wants to excecute story with concept guidvesere I will explain simply --

    - Esper is a person who has strongest powers (like fire , telepathy, water or things control type) they are like heroes in the world of monsters like there are monsters they fight goverment organize them and to control their power or not to rampage they need a person who will give them mine peace or calamity to power.

    - guide - is a person who is meant to be with esper but his destination is simple he gives sense of calmness to his esper that's his work is not let to his esper rampage,

    They don't become partners eventually cuz they are also divided in hierarchical order like S-rank esper are strongest they need same rank of guide to supervise them sometimes test are made to check if they suit each other if they suite that means they campadible the strongest the esper and match the strongest guide they needs to intimate with each other give esper sense of security or power control.

    Sometimes guide played the role of archive wheel for esper who is out of control so it's easier to handle him so people around them don't get injured.

    Hope it's easiest i explained.

    sicario September 21, 2023 7:07 am
    It's basically differentiate on how author wants to excecute story with concept guidvesere I will explain simply -- - Esper is a person who has strongest powers (like fire , telepathy, water or things control t... RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼

    thank you for your explanation that makes alot more sense!

    sicario September 21, 2023 7:09 am
    It’s basically a sci-fi setting where monsters come and attack earth. To adapt, some humans evolved to have supernatural powers to fight monsters. They are called Espers. However, when espers use their powers... vincent3003

    thank you for your explanation! i didnt realize this trope was that specific but i’m glad i know now

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ September 21, 2023 7:31 am
    thank you for your explanation that makes alot more sense! sicario

    Your welcome i have given you gist of on what basis plot revolves around , mostly this guidevese getting popular for making esper a dangerous person who are crazy mostly those are semes, they needs controler so it's important for them to have his own guide.
    some guidverse also follow imprinting concept so they don't have to share each other with others especially for esper who are possesive type..