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Damn I want them to die

Nah Nah September 22, 2023 7:55 pm

Those students of Ygret are all ungrateful. Sure Ygret did nothing in face of tragedies even when he had the power to but who’s to say that it’s his fault? He was never obligated to avenge or punish anybody. He didn't want to hurt people and thats okay. He grieved over the losses in his own way. He also saved those students from the goodness of his heart and they turn to blame him from not using his powers? How are they any different from those selfish nobles they scorn when they also give no crap about other people? I get so angry whenever they show up and act like they were entitled to receive help. They dare betray their savior just because he didn't do what they wanted. But they still scorn and blame Ygret? Wtf is this atrocity. If they did that like Ygret, just leave. Why hurt him? They haven’t even repay Ygret for life saving grace, the knowledge and teachings, and the care he gave when he took them in. In my eyes, they were the real hypocrites all along.
