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tbh im really fucking curious why the hell is her husband killed and betrayed her in the w...

Nufibiis September 23, 2023 2:03 pm

tbh im really fucking curious why the hell is her husband killed and betrayed her in the worst way possible after everything she did for him.

Better have fucking good reason u shitty goody two shoes piece of shit. He seems to be 'inlove' with her right now. why did the empress know that he going to kill her after getting the throne???? how? why????

BTW no matter how good excuse he have it still didnt justify how shitty piece of shit he is. imagine how repulsive for her to pretend to love him and sleep with him.

i hope she will end-up with the duke. i hope this time she will loved by the man she love

    Sophie October 14, 2023 6:31 pm

    Yess, why did he behead her from the looks of it he looks like he's in love with her.