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Yoshiki, that’s just Punpun lol

腐女子 September 24, 2023 6:33 pm

Yoshiki, that’s just Punpun lol reading this at 2:25 am, that thing under the table reminds me of that freaking scary scene from Inisidious who appeared out of nowhere

    Cryno_fujo September 25, 2023 6:50 am

    Punpun is one scary mf (especially when he grew up into a "dirty adult"), I too freak out seeing him haha

    腐女子 September 25, 2023 4:33 pm
    Punpun is one scary mf (especially when he grew up into a "dirty adult"), I too freak out seeing him haha Cryno_fujo

    still at ch 100, ngl lost interest when he grew up into a mf horny adult lol but excited for this! will probably finish it within this year