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Not me, lowkey liking Will's ragged look—the beard, the untidy hair and clothes is sooo ...

Rokushi September 24, 2023 7:57 pm

Not me, lowkey liking Will's ragged look—the beard, the untidy hair and clothes is sooo hot and sexy!

And I think, at this point, Daato is already pregnant with the twins

    Rokushi September 24, 2023 8:05 pm


    Ohh OMG. I just remembered when I read the raws, after this is when Juda and Daato is going on a trip to go to Juda's parent's place! We'll finally get to see Juda's beautiful parents

    BomBom September 24, 2023 10:52 pm
    **SPOILER WARNING**Ohh OMG. I just remembered when I read the raws, after this is when Juda and Daato is going on a trip to go to Juda's parent's place! We'll finally get to see Juda's beautiful parents Rokushi

    Where did you read the raws? (●'◡'●)ノ