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It's a sad story for Aoi, the uke. He practically deserves to have a monument built in his...

Anonymous November 17, 2016 12:47 pm

It's a sad story for Aoi, the uke. He practically deserves to have a monument built in his honor. The Seme Takahiko is a huge jerk! He didn't let Aoi know he was still alive after four years of being summoned to war. Once they reunited he only leeched off of him and still slept around, got drunk and refused the uke. Then once they finally confessed, he practically called Aoi a whore because someone was nice enough to show Aoi he cared for him! How was that Aoi's fault? He never even acted suggestively towards the lieutenant, or even had another partner other than Takahiko. However, the bastard practically slept with the whole town before and after they got together, didn't bother to write back to Aoi in all the years they were separated, but he gets to be jealous and forgiven like he deserves any sympathy. What an ass...While Aoi is a great person, he is also weak and has little self-worth. At the end Takahiko tells him he'll stop playing around and Aoi tells him it's fine to be the way he is and not change. WTF? It's okay for Takahiko to whore himself around when they are already together....? No wonder the seme is such a huge ass, the uke is an enabler with little self esteem

I only recommend reading the story if you have time in your hands and don't mind asshole seme, for whom everything is forgiven and a weak uke who at first seems very capable but are actually masochists who enjoy being treated like garbage - not physically but emotionally. I mean, who would wan the person they love coming home smelling of other women's perfume, knowing it didn't stop there?

    Thegirlnextdoor November 17, 2016 2:35 pm

    I think you're pretty strict to Takahiko. From the beginning, he was a stubborn, careless, live like no tomorrow playboy, even his family disinheritated him. But he was childish and emotional as well. He didnt write to Aoi because he didnt want interupt his lover life (maybe Aoi had been settle down or live a new life?) and his ego 's big so he cant let Aoi see him sick and weak. He had nothing, no job no family and Japan lost the war? It really hard to face each other. After 4 years, he cameback because he missed Aoi so much and he get punched :)) I dont think Taka is a easy man who can sleep with whole town, he just a lonely person who need something to keep on living his boring life and women like him. Aoi thought he went to a woman's place but it didnt told to be true. He refused the women and always think of Aoi.

    I know you think he just a bastard but he' so real. He's normal man in real life: selfish, big ego, careless and still act like a child until he's 30 (so sad but it's true) but there isnt many men outthere who could be faithful to his lover like him in our real life.

    And about Aoi, I dont think he's a M :)) he loved Taka and he thought he may lose his lover in war. That feeling's really really hurt and he all he wished is his lover to come home. Both of them are still alive it the most precious thing in war time : )

    kurarisu November 17, 2016 4:17 pm
    I think you're pretty strict to Takahiko. From the beginning, he was a stubborn, careless, live like no tomorrow playboy, even his family disinheritated him. But he was childish and emotional as well. He didnt ... Thegirlnextdoor

    That's a very sad, enabling perspective. Indeed love is the most precious thing in war time, but is it fair for Aoi to be tossed and led around like that? Since love is the most precious thing during war time, was it truly justifiable for Aoi's love to be used and taken for granted? Takahiko is a loose man with grand ideas. Just like the OP, I feel bad for Aoi to end up with a man who will most definitely cheat on him again. Probably even get a woman pregnant, and poor Aoi will most likely cry for a while but then accept it because that's how he is. What you said are excuses. Excuses to defend a terrible character.

    annabis November 17, 2016 4:42 pm

    Thank you, I wont read it then. Im bored of that kind of stories where the seme is a jerk and the uke playing the role of the woman forgives everything and act submissive.

    Thegirlnextdoor November 17, 2016 6:24 pm
    That's a very sad, enabling perspective. Indeed love is the most precious thing in war time, but is it fair for Aoi to be tossed and led around like that? Since love is the most precious thing during war time, ... kurarisu

    I dont know why you look the story so tragedy? Why you think Taka will definitely cheat on Aoi? Even in this story, we didnt see him cheating, he went with woman when he and Aoi still friends. After they made love, he go to the battlefield with the thought "he could make love with Aoi so anything would be fine". When he cameback they still arent lovers, just friend because Taka hadnt have the confident toward Aoi - who now be successful than him (no job, good for nothing). And he went with women not to sleep with them, he drink with them for work or to get fun, he even brought Aoi with him in the last chapter : D The women in this story worked in a bar not a bawd.

    Aoi said he know Take would make him sad again but it didnt mean he will cheat on him. In a relationship there are a lot of things may happen, e.g Taka's jealous with his boss, they dont understand each other sometime... Aoi knew Taka's character and he still love him and in fact Taka isnt that bad, he's faithful, emotional, try his best for love and he's lively, funny. Maybe you think Taka's terrible but he's really a light to Aoi, he lighted up Aoi's world. Aoi knew Take loved him too. I cant talk clearly but I think the Author created Taka not to be a terrible char, he's a man in "real life" one and how he can change for love. Aoi isnt fool for love, they were childhood friend, he cried for Taka not because he cheating, he cried when he knew Taka's pain, Taka's effort.

    Thegirlnextdoor November 17, 2016 6:38 pm
    That's a very sad, enabling perspective. Indeed love is the most precious thing in war time, but is it fair for Aoi to be tossed and led around like that? Since love is the most precious thing during war time, ... kurarisu

    And you think Aoi's love be used, why? For what? Taka didnt used Aoi's love, he maybe doesnt know Aoi loved him too. He came to Aoi's house because Aoi is his only one friend and he loved Aoi. He could go to the some women's place but he didnt, until they fight and Aoi said he not come again. The first time they made love, it's Aoi's demand Taka to do it, to closer to him and feel him before Taka went to the battlefield and maybe never comeback. Taka is a wiser man but dont worry he will become a womanizer, he worked hard for love, you can see his talk to the manager, he want to make Aoi happy.

    Anonymous November 18, 2016 9:03 am
    I think you're pretty strict to Takahiko. From the beginning, he was a stubborn, careless, live like no tomorrow playboy, even his family disinheritated him. But he was childish and emotional as well. He didnt ... Thegirlnextdoor

    Maybe it's a language barrier, maybe somethings didn't get across to you. Aoi said himself that Takahiko slept around with women since they were in school, which was one of the reasons why they disinherited him. They didn't show any of that, it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Aoi said he knew Takahiko would go to women once he had returned from the war, he went to Aoi drunk, disheveled and smelling of women's perfume! You think he didn't do anything with them, just because the mangaka didn't draw out the sex scenes? She didn't draw them either when he was still in school, does that mean he didn't do it then either? I am pretty sure that the mangaka simply didn't want to draw them, but meant for everyone to know that Takahiko still slept around because Aoi said so. Otherwise it would have been pointless for the main character to say something that important himself, if it had no truth in the plot.

    I am sorry that you grew up in a place where it is okay for men to cheat because they are men; so you think that because it is done in real life, it's realistic so it's okay and it still equals love if they cheat on their partner? I grew up in a place where it is your choice not to stick around if you are cheated on. It's not okay, not for men not for women. If you love someone you don't want to be with anyone but that person, if they sleep around and you stick around it's probably not love from either side. It's gross and not healthy, mentally or physically. Aoi was weak, he could have chosen not to approve of Takahiko's behavior but he chose to stick around and even suggested at the end that he didn't have to stop sleeping around because that was "Takahiko." That makes him a weak person.

    Anonymous November 18, 2016 9:08 am
    That's a very sad, enabling perspective. Indeed love is the most precious thing in war time, but is it fair for Aoi to be tossed and led around like that? Since love is the most precious thing during war time, ... kurarisu

    I am glad I am not the only one who sees how Aoi is being used and taken for granted. Takahiko doesn't deserve Aoi, sadly the person himself doesn't cherish himself enough to see how terrible their relationship truly is. Aoi's the only one being loyal, even if Takahiko tried to change Aoi probably would just enable his loose behavior to please Takahiko in the end.

    Anonymous November 18, 2016 9:10 am
    Thank you, I wont read it then. Im bored of that kind of stories where the seme is a jerk and the uke playing the role of the woman forgives everything and act submissive. annabis

    This story is exactly like that. Aoi is a submissive woman from who knows what era, when it was enough for the woman to take a cheating asshole of a husband's bullshit and live a happy life rearing his children, cooking and cleaning without saying a word about her misery.

    annabis November 18, 2016 11:30 am
    This story is exactly like that. Aoi is a submissive woman from who knows what era, when it was enough for the woman to take a cheating asshole of a husband's bullshit and live a happy life rearing his children... @Anonymous

    Then Ive done the right thing. Its good to read the comments before.

    Bibi November 18, 2016 2:03 pm
    Then Ive done the right thing. Its good to read the comments before. annabis

    Please give it a try. That comment doesn't do justice to the depth of this manga.
    Sure the Uke is a laid back fellow, but he has the strength to punch the Seme. The characters are very relatable and they grow as the story progress
    If it turn out not being your cup of tea then I am sorry, but it is worth the try.

    annabis November 18, 2016 3:15 pm
    Please give it a try. That comment doesn't do justice to the depth of this manga.Sure the Uke is a laid back fellow, but he has the strength to punch the Seme. The characters are very relatable and they grow as... @Bibi

    Well, I think about it. Maybe I reserve it for those days I feel a little masoquist and want to have strong feelings and I dont mind to get angry.But if as I read the uke tells him to keep playing around like use to do at the end ummm I dont think I will be satisfied but, well, I thank you to bother to give your advice. Gracias.
    sorry for my english

    Thegirlnextdoor November 18, 2016 3:50 pm
    Maybe it's a language barrier, maybe somethings didn't get across to you. Aoi said himself that Takahiko slept around with women since they were in school, which was one of the reasons why they disinherited him... @Anonymous

    The one dont understand is you, I'm sorry to say that. I dont think cheating is normal, I think Taka's character is like so many men in real life (selfish, bold, childish, big ego and cant be mature until 30) not like perfect guys in many novel, yaoi, film.... You only see "cheating" "sleeping around" in Taka? You dont see he come to the battlefiedl (he could run away and went to some woman's place), he return the clock of his dead team mate to his wife even he was half dead, he bought the cake that Aoi likes, he didnt write to Aoi because he want Aoi to forget and have a better man than him... Why you cant see wider? He was a bad guy like a lot of rich guys but he'still in love with someone poor like Aoi, he didnt know Aoi loved him until the night he got the daft notice. Aoi was always cold to him.

    And in this story Taka wasnt cheating, they are friends when he flirted women and when he cameback from th war they still friends because Taka wasnt confident toward Aoi and want to became someone before they're lovers.The author draw that moments so please read them, dont think too much about sth she didnt draw. Please re - read it carefully before talking.

    He smell of woman because he went with them in the bar and drink, like he and Aoi went to drink in the last chapter, because he was sad about his life. Even if he slept with them, he didnt cheat on Aoi because they werent lovers in that moment. After they made love and talk to each other Take became serious and try to made Aoi happy. Why you think he never stop sleeping around? He refused the women and changed for Aoi, he even bring Aoi to the bar to drink and be jealous when the women interested in Aoi.

    Why you didnt think he knew Taka's true color and he still love Taka even if it hurts because Taka is a light of his world. They are childhood friends. Nothing much, Aoi want Taka to be safe and only need him to stay and not go to somewhere that Aoi may lose him. He's silly but he knew himself, he cant let Taka go. Alone with his love better than abusing someone's love for him.

    Thegirlnextdoor November 18, 2016 4:04 pm
    Well, I think about it. Maybe I reserve it for those days I feel a little masoquist and want to have strong feelings and I dont mind to get angry.But if as I read the uke tells him to keep playing around like u... annabis

    The uke said it not like he want the seme keep playing around, it more like "be yourself, you dont need to change for me, all i wish is you were here safe and sound". It a meanful emotional story, I think this story is one of the best yaoi about "love"

    annabis November 18, 2016 4:18 pm
    The uke said it not like he want the seme keep playing around, it more like "be yourself, you dont need to change for me, all i wish is you were here safe and sound". It a meanful emotional story, I think this ... Thegirlnextdoor

    Ahhhhhhh, ok. I get it. Well, I will read it. I will put my impresions afterward. Thanks.

    kurarisu November 20, 2016 1:22 pm
    The uke said it not like he want the seme keep playing around, it more like "be yourself, you dont need to change for me, all i wish is you were here safe and sound". It a meanful emotional story, I think this ... Thegirlnextdoor

    Be yourself means don't change who you are. And what was he before this? A player, a drunkard, a gambler, and a cheater. Poor Aoi was so blinded by love that he didn't see anything else but his brighter sides. I'm looking at it realistically. Considering how the seme has been like that since they were in school, you can't just easily do a 180 turn in personality. Perhaps with better writing and better characters, this manga could have been lovely. You need to read in between the lines to understand what is implied, because more than often a romance doesn't mean a happily ever after, neither does it mean the ending is rose-gold and carefree. Aoi has to deal with a troublesome man, a man who abused Aoi's love and took it for granted, as well as blame him for having ONE potential rival but believe Aoi should accept it when he's had a multitude of female partners. And this unhealthy relationship is what makes this manga a 2/5.

    kurarisu November 20, 2016 1:25 pm
    The one dont understand is you, I'm sorry to say that. I dont think cheating is normal, I think Taka's character is like so many men in real life (selfish, bold, childish, big ego and cant be mature until 30) n... Thegirlnextdoor

    You think that Takahiko was trying to change for the better, but hmmm I wonder why was he hanging around with girls again? Guys like that don't change. And you were contradicting yourself. First you excuse and defend his actions, and then condemn them? Make up your mind.

    Thegirlnextdoor November 20, 2016 1:42 pm
    You think that Takahiko was trying to change for the better, but hmmm I wonder why was he hanging around with girls again? Guys like that don't change. And you were contradicting yourself. First you excuse and ... kurarisu

    Plesea read all my reply for you before, Taka wasnt cheating and he had changed. He cameback from the WAR and he lost his all, even if his ego. He hanging around with girls was before he decided to change, he cut his hair and go to Aoi's home.
    After that he got the role and invited Aoi to go drink with him (the bar he used to go with the girls so he and women only drink not sex).
    I'm sorry but I need to tell, please re- read the manga carefully before commenting, I thought you hadnt read it clearly or may you cant get the meaning of this story. Look at the rate for this manga, I'm glad there's not much people think like you.

    kurarisu November 28, 2016 5:59 pm
    Plesea read all my reply for you before, Taka wasnt cheating and he had changed. He cameback from the WAR and he lost his all, even if his ego. He hanging around with girls was before he decided to change, he c... Thegirlnextdoor

    I wouldn't read this manga again. Once was enough to get an idea of how badly written the characters are. Read a couple more BL, broaden your perspective, learn how to read in between the lines rather than having it spoon-fed to you, and stories like these become frustrating at some point. Takahiko is not some Prince Charming as you want to claim him to be. He's a selfish, cheating man who feels self-entitled to someone's love that he took for granted. I'm sorry that you think this way. Maybe in a couple more years, you'll grow out of it.