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I mean

Ren September 26, 2023 3:51 pm

Ngl, someone put a cookie in my bed, then we’re fighting

    TwistedCupid September 27, 2023 12:00 am

    At somebody who has little brothers and sisters and toddlers and the fact that they bring cookies to bed because they want me to cheer up or they want to sit on the bed with me and watch movies and they bring like a whole bag of chips or whatever... you just learned to deal with it because it comes from a good place. Kids are going to bring all kinds of stuff to your bed, including puppies with Muddy Paws and a lizard they've caught, it just gets to the point that I'd rather they feel like they can bring me stuff instead of walking on eggshells around me. I grew up in a household that was very strict and even having your shoes on the bed you got yelled at as if you committed a felony. I never want to raise or have anybody walk on eggshells around me and feel like they can't be comfortable to hang out with me or feel like they have to hide so they won't piss me off. Maybe I am a pushover but growing up in a household where things were so strict that I had to learn how to lie, hide and get anxiety whenever I hear the door open, I swore not to do the same with the kids that are around me as siblings and as cousins and nieces and nephews. So yeah, cookies do suck and it sucks hiding them under your pillow, but they do it out of love and also this is cute, my little niece used to believe that if you have cookies by your bed, then the monster under your bed wouldn't want to eat you. She was afraid of monsters would try to eat me so she put cookies under my bed. I didn't find any monsters but I definitely found ants. I wasn't mad at her because she was trying to protect me but I wouldn't trade that memory for all the strict starched white mopped floors in the world. So yeah, if a kid leaves a cookie under my pillow I will get annoyed but I will miss it when they stop. I don't want my nieces and nephews to grow up. I want them to still believe in magic but I know one day they'll stop putting cookies under my pillow for the tooth fairy and they'll stop believing that monsters can be bought off with candy. They'll stop going trick or treating and when that happens, I will miss those cookies more than anything in the world