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Let the clingy Killian begin!!

テトラポット September 27, 2023 2:14 am

Now that 2nd stage restriction is over!! The upcoming chapters will be the start of clingy Killian towards Edith And we'll get to see more of his POV (not being controlled by the OG author) about Edith, and how he regrets everything he did for her based on rumors (again, because he was controlled here so he doesn't have a choice)

But I promise you guys, the upcoming chapters will be really promising!

    Meli September 27, 2023 3:14 am

    Omg I can’t wait do you happen to know what chapter this is in the novel ?

    テトラポット September 27, 2023 5:33 am
    Omg I can’t wait do you happen to know what chapter this is in the novel ? Meli

    Rejecting Killian's offer moment was around chapter 52

    Meli September 28, 2023 2:28 am

    Omg thank you