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I don't know who is the worst, the guy who destroys her life then shows up with no regrets...

Medusation November 18, 2016 9:32 am

I don't know who is the worst, the guy who destroys her life then shows up with no regrets and treats her like trash or the woman who despite all that gives in and loses all self respect. I think of all the josei I've read the story of this one is the worst.

    Noodles February 15, 2017 9:39 pm

    The guy's worst, blaming her for change in her behavior. Who the fuck did that? The woman did tried her best to get away from him but he pushed and pushed until she finally caved in. He's not even charming, just an asshole. Her son was brat too. I have to know who put in his head that he need both parents to raise him. I know that it's not her.

    But I do agree with you that this is worst one that I read so far.