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poorly executed

Ichigo September 28, 2023 6:52 am

while I feel like the writer had a decent idea and the message is good.. it was so poorly executed. Uke is annoying as fck!! and how did ml go from hating his guts to falling in love with him?!? made absolutely no sense. There was really not much to like about him tbh, especially given how he was treating the ml. His fears and insecurities were valid, but his character was not likeable!

    ZenRyu November 15, 2023 9:03 pm

    True.. How did Mikado really end up falling for Misaki? Maybe if he noticed his vulnerabilities.. But it wasn't until later that Misaki actually opened up so when did he actually fell for him? We just see him getting interested in his superior after their first night stand but don't see much of Mikado's pov about Misaki other than him thinking that he probably goes out with guys.