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So I really liked this webtoon until this’s like they purposely made the FL dumb...

Sherlockwhovian September 29, 2023 3:47 am

So I really liked this webtoon until this’s like they purposely made the FL dumber to get the plot going. I feel like she should’ve known how suspicious this concubine was.

    Asha September 29, 2023 2:56 pm

    she was already sus of the pinky.

    I was sus of an acquaintance too but u know u shouldnt judge another so quick so i get along with her without fully trusting her.
    Then found out the truth about some bad stuffs about her.

    Fl didnt fully trust pinky she just get along with her for a bit and just wasnt being rude to her

    thats how communication or socializing works

    We dont fully trust anyone but we get along with them to avoid troubles