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I know many of you won't agree with me, but I fckn hated Taehwan, he is one of the worst c...

Lucky September 29, 2023 4:38 am

I know many of you won't agree with me, but I fckn hated Taehwan, he is one of the worst character I have seen in a Yaoi. He goes to the list of the most toxic semes, including that fcker from Jinx. I mean, I do understand that he has a character development (the term some idiots use to justify all the torturing bullshit he did), he may have become really loving in the end, but in the back of my mind the things he did to Yeonwoo in the beginning of the chapters kept playing. Yeonwoo got dragged into his selfishness even before he had time to collect himself. The fucking audacity of the ass**** to ask for forgiveness and a second chance!!! Nothing can justify his deeds, no way can hurting someone and treating 'em like shit is acceptable.
