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When I was young or now I think myself a sadist but clamp always make feel like I am a mac...

Anonymous November 19, 2016 7:23 pm

When I was young or now I think myself a sadist but clamp always make feel like I am a machosist

    Ozzie-sensei January 1, 2017 5:04 am

    Ikr? CLAMP is well known for stories that you enjoy and laugh at until there's a twist and everything goes to shit. "This reality isn't real", or "you aren't real", and then clamp just digs its sadistic claws into you and you still read on. Why? Because clamp makes us all masochists.

    Anonymous February 23, 2017 7:07 am
    Ikr? CLAMP is well known for stories that you enjoy and laugh at until there's a twist and everything goes to shit. "This reality isn't real", or "you aren't real", and then clamp just digs its sadistic claws i... Ozzie-sensei

    So true the curse of xlamp

    LunaSetsuna July 27, 2017 6:52 pm

    Yep just look at Cardcaptor Sakura, we have cute things such as Sakura and Syaoran and the cute lovestory of Yukito and Toya, the outfits and Kero chan. There's the twisted story of clow having split himself into three entities (Sakura's and Toya's father, the tsubasa-Sakura-clones dad and Eriol) just to find make someone stronger than himself despite the cards nearly killing Sakura several times. Along with the sidestory of the male pedophile teacher dating one of sakura's normal friends which thankfully gets dealt with in the australian dubbed anime with Sakura mentioning it to her dad and then suddenly we have the shrine maiden teacher replace the first. ((and forcing my parents to explain what pedophilla is and why its bad to a 7 yr old -.-))