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Help pls

okk October 2, 2023 3:41 am

Hey! I had asked this question already but I figured I would try again, I read a webtoon/manhua a while back, it wasn’t very far along, it was set in like ancient times? The top was this smaller guy with white hair, he lived in the mountains and was a doctor or wizard or something I think and the bottom was a mountain spirit or animal spirit? The bottom was tan and super buff like big titty type buff. The top finds the bottom in the mountain, he might have been passed out or injured, and kinda kidnaps him and takes him back to his house and has sex with him- this is all in like the first 2ish chapters, it was super smutty was probably short but it hadn’t been completed at the time, I don’t remember all the details and I might have gotten something wrong but it was for sure in color, lmk if it rings a bell, thank you! <3
