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Meme November 20, 2016 8:22 am

I'm hit right in the darn feels! Ugh!! My poor heart!! .°(ಗдಗ。)°.
That ending though... I'm so upset that even though they finally understood their feelings, they still didn't get to be together... But all in all, I'm glad that there was a closure. Even though it wasn't a happy ending, there was closure. Because even though it didn't go the way they had wanted, they were happy with what memories that could hold onto. I am just a sucker for these! Uggggh Not every story ends with a happily ever after (´༎ρ༎`)

Anyone want to recommend any stories with similar endings? (´°ω°`) I really want ones with a closure or I won't be satisfied lol but I'll read it anyways even though I know that haha

    Miyako February 11, 2017 3:03 am

    This one is a straight pairing tho.
    "Cherry blossoms fall at 5
    centimeters per second"
    (This is a animated movie. The closure is bittersweet AF.)