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Hot Damn

Betwixted October 4, 2023 10:58 pm

An FL that isn't dense and oblivious to her partner's changing emotions toward her?! Is this even possible?! I can't believe it~!

Ngl, they are one of the cutest pairs I've ever seen. And I don't really understand why people are saying Calcion's feelings are sudden?

From the very beginning, he's never told a lie. All his praise and admiration for her has been genuine. Sure, at first, it was for her skills and talents, then her beauty which is an objective fact. But consider those moments where things shifted--

When he say her fake tears because of Rosaline at that tea party, he had a visceral reaction. He may have played it up to cooperate with Selena, but it wasn't a lie. The assassination attempt on the way to the capital genuinely enraged him. While yes, I wouldn't go so far as to say he liked her back then, but it is true that he cared for her and had already taken her under his umbrella as one of "his people."

Remember that conversation Selena asked him about whether external pressure to commit suicide could count as murder an she got worked up and he flat out told her "if you don't run away, I will not abandon you." Or that time he told her not to endure, because she had him in this world.

All of this may have taken place without his consciously putting her in his heart, but each one was proof that he was personally carving the way into his heart for her all on his own. She wasn't forcing her way in, he wasn't forcing himself to accept her. He was just engraving her there every step of the way all along.

In my eyes, the conversation where she asked him "if I died, would you be sad?", the realizations he had was the moment he broke through the final barrier in his heart. That's where the unconscious became semi-conscious, the final nail in the coffin, and the moment he tumbled off the cliff and "fell in love." Because the thought of losing all that she is made his heart ache.

Now, yes, it is going to be a battle. Because she is now also aware of the emotions he's still not completely aware that he feels, and she will have to weigh that against her desire to go home. But also because as Calcion becomes aware of his feelings, he will have to weigh losing her to her original world against losing her to death in this war against the Crown Prince. Neither of them will have easy choices to make, some won't even be their decision to make.

But, don't say Calcion's feelings are sudden. He's literally been falling in love with her since chapter one. He's just dumb with emotions. Dumb, but sincere af. (⌒▽⌒)

They're cute. I want to see them progress without secrets or manipulations or misunderstandings. There's enough conflict and drama already, we don't need relationship drama on top of that. I have loved this one, because their relationship is comfortable and easy and safe, and the least tense out of all the relationships Selena has in this new world. I don't know how I'm going to feel if she suddenly starts putting distance between them, because that will make this relationship just as strained as the others around her.
