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I can't get enough of Abe Akane's mangas... They are so wonderfully real, the men are as i...

crazycatlady68 November 20, 2016 10:47 pm

I can't get enough of Abe Akane's mangas... They are so wonderfully real, the men are as if they were alive, and I can really feel the emotions, jealousy, sadness, despair...and Yoshinaga has always been the best (even better than Asami :) )

    Anonymous December 8, 2017 9:50 pm

    Anyone is better than a rapist...? So, I'm confused...? Why did you need to point out that Yoshinaga was better?

    crazycatlady68 December 8, 2017 11:41 pm
    Anyone is better than a rapist...? So, I'm confused...? Why did you need to point out that Yoshinaga was better? @Anonymous

    My comment is from over a year ago and I was crazy about Asami's looks then so I guess it was just a figure of speech... Yoshinaga is still the best for me though.