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question and maybe rant?...mainly me running on and idk of I make sense

mandy_j October 5, 2023 12:36 pm

Okay so I'm only on chapter 36. I keep stopping this because althoughit's good, it's a bit annoying how she feels that since she read the novel, she knows for sure that the prince will neglect his duties once he falls in love. It's like one of the biggest flaws lots of isekai people tend to have (the world they're in isnt real and people are characters that cant change or that the story will unfold just as the novel did even though the isekai tend to change things or throw off the trajectory of such stories). Also she has no idea of what she speaks of now in regards to his work ethic and it honestly sucks. Like just because you read the novel, this is exactly how this person is and will be. Also doesn't she collect his news articles and whatsnot? Who does she think does all his work now? Also does she think all corporations we the same?

So after my rant, my question is, when will she stop with her preconceived notions?

Also I adore the ml who I think is the prince, bit I also like the mage dude. Does he end up with his own love? I was shipping him initially with he maid but now I want someone new and awesome for him. There are just too many cool characters

    miru<3 October 22, 2023 6:19 am

    Yes she will stop perceiving the crown Prince like that soon

    Yuki January 17, 2024 12:45 am

    You speak from my heart. At one time she acts like and adult and then later like a child and a pushover.
    I'm dreaming of an isekai story where the MC says let's see what will happen. I don't want to live and follow the original xD