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While like, I get it??? He's not a real child. But like. It just feels to me as a reader w...

Emer7890 October 5, 2023 10:31 pm

While like, I get it??? He's not a real child. But like. It just feels to me as a reader who spent 20 chapters or whatever seeing these two rawdogging and then suddenly one of them is a Kid-But-Not-A-Kid. Like, couldn't the author just had him take on an adult form the author wasnt aren't forced to have them meet like this

    Megirl6473 October 5, 2023 10:36 pm

    I would have agreed if I hadn't realised him taking on a child like form was infact important for the story as it showed the heartlessness of the villagers to ignore a child and as well allowed him to get away with acts he most likely would've been killed for if he was an adult.

    ta mere October 5, 2023 11:18 pm

    It's totally normal to feel odd about it at first, I was too. But don't worry, there is absolutely nothing weird happening when he still looks like a child and soon enough, he'll turn into an adult (dont wanna spoil).

    hope world ^ ♡ ^ October 5, 2023 11:26 pm
    I would have agreed if I hadn't realised him taking on a child like form was infact important for the story as it showed the heartlessness of the villagers to ignore a child and as well allowed him to get away ... Megirl6473

    Well said. It plays a significant part in the story how him choosing a child will also show how the villagers will treat him. And its the best representation of how helpless and weak he is despite him being a dragon.

    And knowing that he's a dragon that could shapeshift himself into a crocodile or bird if he desires so, them meeting with the dragon as a child does not look so weird to me especially since he is treated as a child by our MC. Its the past too. Like.