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Yesi October 7, 2023 8:37 pm

I hate how they downplay Yuri’s toxicity as a joke. This story had been so emotionally grounded in acceptance and a “found family” type of trope, and then the side stories took a comedy route… I get that Yuri has a bit of trauma from Teacher leaving so he’s not being purposely manipulative by begging him to stay but to call his lover a slut knowing the reason why he felt the need to sleep around is distasteful.

    Manaacass October 8, 2023 12:13 am

    I dont feel it like a joke, more like there’s kind of people for everyone, and a toxic guy was perfect for seonwoo.

    Yesi October 8, 2023 12:59 am
    I dont feel it like a joke, more like there’s kind of people for everyone, and a toxic guy was perfect for seonwoo. Manaacass

    I agree, he needed someone pushy to get him to talk about his wants and needs, but I’m hung up on that slut comment lmfao. I felt like it was getting played as joke by the reactions of Yuri’s friends

    Sugakookie October 8, 2023 4:12 am

    Totally agree