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Y'all mad for nothing

MochiCae October 7, 2023 11:19 pm

Why even bother reading omegaverses if y'all gonna be mad about rut/heat phase like that lmao. Taegyum already said he won't be in control. It's an animalistic trait for alphas to lose control when in rut. That's literally the whole point of an alpha's rut and y'all complaining because the omega did not like it? He wasn't even mad the next morning bffr y'all just want to comment and hate on anything. This is how this genre works. Yes in most cases even in fiction ofc consent is a must, but there was already a warning the chapters prior so y'all just dumb for not understanding it.

    mechiao October 8, 2023 12:58 am

    And they describe it with the word “violent” i swear they are lacking too much reading comprehension ☠