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puffcream October 8, 2023 5:31 am

Bitch why tf am I still reading this I'm just torturing myself at this point I feel bad for Sovie

    Night1Black2 October 8, 2023 8:21 am

    Literally me. The entire time I was so angry I couldn’t enjoy any of the scenes. I found myself more interested what the hell was going to happen to the pearl rather than the shitty smut. The only thing I want at this point is for him to jump off the train with the stupid damn pearl while everyone else combusts in crash and their bones turn to ash. Like?? The main guy put him through literal torture and trauma and inflicted what I would call pretty damn close to Stockholm syndrome in some adjacent way just bc he wanted to fuck him again. You know what gets you to fuck someone again? Saying “hey, I enjoyed this I want to do it again.” Not, let me pass you around like a thanksgiving dinner for a month for no reason

    Sutsot October 8, 2023 9:42 am

    Tbh I don't feel bad at all. He had every choices to escape that train but choose to fuck or be fucked by any man he sees that is an opportunity for him to go to his main goal. It just as Zerkin says.

    Sovie was just being stubborn and too prideful about it to the point that being with Zerkin is enough for him to realize what he had done to himself.

    I know I'm hypocrite but I'm just being honest.

    MSue October 8, 2023 1:30 pm
    Tbh I don't feel bad at all. He had every choices to escape that train but choose to fuck or be fucked by any man he sees that is an opportunity for him to go to his main goal. It just as Zerkin says. Sovie was... Sutsot

    Im just curious but how could he have escaped the train? When the train did not stop, not even once. If he made it to a window, was he supposed to just throw himself out of a train that’s running at full speed?

    And you mentioned “It’s just as Zerkin says.” Zerkin is a manipulator who has consistently made Sovie feel like he wanted all of this so he doesn’t have to admit that he’s the whole reason Sovie got fucked over in every sense of the word. Of course it is as he said, when he bribed fuck knows how many people to imprison and rape Sovie over and over again.

    I’m not a fan of this mc at all, nor this story but to say Sovie asked for any of this or “he has done this to himself” is reaching and victim blaming. Don’t forget that had he never crossed paths with Zerkin and Zerkin not arranged all of this shit just to have him, he would’ve never ended up in any of those situations.

    Night1Black2 October 9, 2023 2:20 am
    Im just curious but how could he have escaped the train? When the train did not stop, not even once. If he made it to a window, was he supposed to just throw himself out of a train that’s running at full spee... MSue

    When I saw the post you’re replying to I also started to write out a full rant but then I got tired lol. The amount of people victim-blaming the dude when he’s outnumbered substantially, on a vehicle that is going at breakneck speeds, and doesn’t have the physical capability of fending off people… not to mention he’s gone through literal trauma and then Zerkin gaslights the S H I T out of him when he’s no longer in his right mind. The way my jaw dropped when Zerkin said that the only reason he did all of this bullshit was because he took a fleeting glance at him out the window, saw him running to the train and…got hard??? Like that’s the only reason my dude. What a fuckin freak lol

    MSue October 9, 2023 12:45 pm
    When I saw the post you’re replying to I also started to write out a full rant but then I got tired lol. The amount of people victim-blaming the dude when he’s outnumbered substantially, on a vehicle that i... Night1Black2

    Exactly! Why can’t they see that the real problem here is that psycho Zerkin?? I’m so tired of the victim-blaming. Almost every story that involves drama here has a lot of people victim-blaming and it simply disgusts me. Like where did empathy go? If someone irl went through all of these traumatic events, would they sit there and judge them to their face just like they do to these characters? That’s wild.