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Finally i can comment about this manga

RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ October 8, 2023 6:07 am

I didn't like it even though seme is such a kind person uke treat him very badly mostly at work he harasses him and make him do all the works and don't even give him credit for it i would never fall for someone like uke if they keep me pile up with work make my work life hell i can't pity with uke at all the way people saying it's good nahh its not good if you kids you wouldn't understand how much it hurts have a superior like uke in work field he calls him however he want and visit his house just cuz his superior i have read much better stories than this which has low rating with better plot, when he wants to go on date and want to make memories but uke want to have sex all the time so gay people only likes sex? No he was bad representation of gay people just having sex is not the only thing makes anyone happy also when seme asked to sit beside him in train he rejected him sayin "no you are big" and act all rude to him while seme is such a good person definitely uke don't deserve him seme deserve someone much better such a respectful man I need someone like him in my life. 2 stars only for seme cuz uke behaviour was irritating af i know finally why i dropped it multiple times before.
