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Characters being conveniently dumb at the perfect moment is honestly such a bad and boring...

✧˚༓☆ Elkia ☆༓˚✧ October 8, 2023 9:11 am

Characters being conveniently dumb at the perfect moment is honestly such a bad and boring way to stretch the story.

Let's be honest, this manga didn't have to be this long. It's MC's 3rd time running away and ML's 3rd time sitting his pretty ass down and not doing shit. Kill your father, let him get mauled to death by bears, let him die of old age, push him down a cliff or go after your lover, anything.

MC's audacity is annoying me to death too, sure hun, I'm sure the guy who's in charge of human trafficking will listen to your requests and respect your boundaries. Don't try to stay away from him or anything, stick to him like glue and get angry whenever he tries to force himself on you. Natural selection at it's finest.
