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Bij November 22, 2016 8:27 am

Yaoi... has been in my life for a long time. I couldn't even remember when I started reading it. I stopped reading shoujo and weirdly, I'm only interested in reading yaoi. Then I found out, it's not because of the sex or whatever, it was because how real the stories were. They were sometimes based on stories that actually happened (more realistic, instead of shoujo manga that are all so not realistic). Like you can actually find a lot of yaoi manga that really happened in real life. The struggle they faced everyday in our society.

That's why I read it. And it has now become something that I can't go by without. It's my bedtime story now and I can't sleep without reading one of them. I would fall asleep reading them. I think I've read about 98% of yaoi manga on this website and I'm always looking forward for new work.

They say, everyone has a secret they keep. Yaoi is my secret that I reluctant to tell anyone. Not even the closest person in my life know that I read yaoi. It's a shame I hide it due to social pressure. I'm a hardcore yaoi fan but I have to suppressed it every time. :(

Im 20 this year and since I couldn't recall when I started reading it, I would just approximately assume, this is the 8th year of having yaoi in my life. Since I'm also in cheerleading, almost 70% of my guy friends are all gay. But I'm very sure that I'm straight, because I like watching 2 dicks tgt rather than 4 boobs I can say I'm celebrating 8th anniversary of yaoi existence in my life. Thank you, yaoi. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ <3

    Bij November 22, 2016 8:30 am