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The medical stuff is all over the place in this manga. Like some genius is supposedly near...

rotten October 11, 2023 8:55 pm

The medical stuff is all over the place in this manga. Like some genius is supposedly near discovering penicillin but surgeons aren't using anaesthesia when in actual medical history anaesthesia was used for the first time at least half a century ago penicillin was discovered. The medical history timeline is all over the place and it is making it hard to decide how much has been discovered and how much is yet to be discovered. Also she has a cousin basically pulling out equipment out of his ass like magic. My suspension of disbelief is broken but I guess it's what's expected of a fantasy. Also why does so many characters have such questionable decision making abilities in this manga ? Are the crown prince supposed to be that dumb? The king causing issues for ML tragic back story is supposed to be a decent king? Like there are so many things off about this story.
