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That sad feeling when you reached the ending. The ending wasn't bad but I was really hopin...

Sakura November 23, 2016 11:17 am

That sad feeling when you reached the ending. The ending wasn't bad but I was really hoping for a much better and happy ending though especially after all the sad and tons of people dying. I really didn't want break to die after reading more of his parts I actually started liking break. And I was wanting Oz and Alice to be together. I was shipping for them since the beginning of the manga & anime. But overall I really like this manga and the anime too. I wish they would of made the anime to be longer though.

    Anonymous April 29, 2018 12:23 pm

    I share the exact same sentiments, haha. Because of all the pain my heart was yearning for at least something good at the ending, however, so when I saw the ending... even if it wasn't a hapoy ending I expected or hoped for... I know that this is probably one of the happiest possible endings. I just want to believe that someday, they'll all meet again (reincarnated?)