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Damn, uke doesn't deserve those 2! I mean, akira is such a good guy, imagine valuing emot...

gwen October 13, 2023 12:30 am

Damn, uke doesn't deserve those 2!

I mean, akira is such a good guy, imagine valuing emotional connection more than the physical pleasure. And the fact that he was so understanding in a situation where he got the short end of the stick. I'll gladly gobble him up.

Moto is ok too. I mean, he realized that the uke giving him head means he actually became the other man. And all the while, he tried to stop coming over as respect both to akira nad uke's relationship and his feelings as well. But, I still don't condone cheating, Moto could've pushed uke away the moment he came on to him. But then again, he might've been too preoccupied by the fact that his supposed to be straight love was bottoming, he must've been too out of it lol.

Uke was so dumb tho. Sometimes stupidity can actually hurt people lol.

    menwtiddies December 20, 2023 3:33 am

    at least i like the fact that the author makes it known that the guy is a bum, and gives him a chance to improve which i think he did. in most other mangas u just have a bottom who's a whole red flag and no one ever acknowledges that

    hachi leaf May 16, 2024 5:06 pm

    sorry but calling moto just okay when he's the one who first mentioned emotional connection to hiro when they were younger and then you bringing it up as a pro for akira is something...

    plus not you blaming moto for being sexually assaulted? blame hiro for the cheating lmfao talk about being selective. especially that moto was the one who told hiro that was cheating and that was bad.

    akira was also literally gonna do exhibitionist sex in front of moto without him fully consenting but yeah moto is the "just okay" one while akira is the oh so great one. i see.