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Help me find this y'all pls

Midnight Angel October 13, 2023 1:51 pm

Okay so this is somewhat similar to "I will divorce the female lead's siscon brother"
Her name isn’t that far off to blue haired girl here; and she has blue hair and holy powers. She’s doted on by her brothers, same hair color as this, but her grandfather has blue hair.
Maybe her father had blonde -can’t quite remember.
Her name was Siena or something like that. It didn’t start out good for her, but she was eventually doted on by everyone around her and if the prospective fiancés of her brothers didn’t like her, then they would be hated.

    Andrew October 13, 2023 2:41 pm

    The Young Lady is A Royal Chef

    mkat247 October 15, 2023 7:34 pm

    Are you thinking of The Young Lady is a Royal Chef?