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Talk about Taeju guys

Asamilee October 13, 2023 11:20 pm

Put aside EH’s unstable mental health, Can u explain to me why you all hate Taeju so much? I mean he is not the green flag but not too bad as a red flag from my pov. His job is to collect debt. He cannot ignore the debt of bot’s father (mentioned by his cousin, he wants to ignore the debt but that is his responsibility). The story setting to connect them is the debt => the setting is toxic not TJ. He tried to make the situation better: find the father, find a job for the EH, find a school for his brother, even let him do what he wants but EH messed up and ended up with him. This setting is toxic but Taeju gave Euihyun choices, he did not force him. During their sexual relationship, Taeju is quite caring (compared to many toxic tops with similar story). Moreover, EH has anger issue and violent (even he is indebt TJ), TJ is patient, he never be violent or offense EH, he just let him expresses his anger.
The worst point should be mentioned is the r@pe scene. I hate it but if you read 10 ABO stories, 9 will have this kind of shit (heat cannot control, pregnant shit). TJ cannot control himself and did it. He wasn’t him I can say. He didn’t remember what he did. Well all I can say the story setting make this becomes toxic, but I don’t blame TJ.
Tell me if u have other opinions

    sun October 13, 2023 11:49 pm

    i mean in one of the first chapters he literally rapes EH sees the debt, sees that EH is an omega and takes advantage of the situation and manipulates him into being a sex worker. if EH were an alpha it woulda been a whole different situation lolol

    Bummer October 13, 2023 11:52 pm

    “Why do you guys hate the person who was raping the MC throughout the entire story? Why do you guys hate the debt collector who easily could’ve chosen to go after the actual person that owed him debt, but only chose to do that long after he realized that he had broken the MC beyond repair by repeatedly coercing him to have sex with him by using the kid in MC’s care as the reason he should have sex with him as a way to pay him back? He tried to make it better by not raping the MC and letting the MC do what he wants, so why the hate? I don’t understand. He’s so patient and kind, he even lets the MC fight back against his abuse, so he’s really kind. Don’t blame him uWu.”


    Fern October 14, 2023 1:02 am

    My time to SHINE.

    I absolutely hate that mf. Here’s why! First of all when the mc tried to kill himself with his little brother, when he was at his most vulnerable and traumatic state he decided to rape him. Literally causing him to faint, just raping him horribly because he FELT like it. Second of all he isn’t a saint by any means like you’re making him out to be. All he saw was that the mc was hard to get and he liked that. None of his intentions were ever pure, even he knows that and you can’t? Now let’s talk about multiple scenes that show why people hate him so much

    Scene number one: raping him when he just tried to kill himself.

    Scene number two: when he literally was literally said “You can work at the club. Or you can just work with me.” Aka get raped by either one. Literally forcing him to chose one where he had to sell his body. And when he rejected him he brought him to the club to be touched by a disgusting pervert, knowing how much being touched that way affected him. The mc was literally shaking, almost hyperventilating. Telling him “this is what that petty pride of yours has gotten you into.” As if he was trying to “punish” him for not wanting to sleep with him. Literally watching him get sexually assaulted by this alpha, without an ounce of sympathy. THE MC COULDNT EVEN BREATHE AS HE WAS GETTING SEXUALLY ASSAULTED, and the fucker just watched. He literally protected the alpha who was touching the mc and then left him to get raped. The mc literally had to chase after him, SOBBING after that and what does this “caring” character do? He tells him “You honestly thought you could get by without me?”. Wow how nice of him yeah?

    I’m gonna explain it real simply. YEO TAEJU DID NOT LOVE HIM, HE DID NOT CARE ABOUT HIM. HE ONLY STARTED CARING AT THE LAST CHAPTERS. He himself said it was like a game, that he just basically wanted to “tame” the mc. He is a rapist, a killer, and an awful person. He has a loving family, WEALTH, LITERALLY EVERYTHING AND HE TURNED OUT THIS WAY. There is no explanation or traumas that could make his behavior even just a little bit better.

    Scene number three. The “heat” scene where he raped him violently to the point I felt physically ill. I’ve read multiple omegaverse bl’s of all types. He had medicine, IN THE CAR. IN THE DAMNED CAR that he willingly did not take. Not to mention he pounded on him when he was with his little brother. He then proceeded to rape him so violently, the mc was scared. “…so scared..” while he was about to be raped. He sobbed, begged for him to stop and snap out of it. And what does he do when he does snap out of it? Not a single “im so so sorry! I’m disgusting, I shouldn’t of ever done that!” Nope. He says “I love you!” After raping him. Imagine your fucking rapist claiming to love you after raping you so violently. The mc literally flinched when he touched him, clear signs of fear.

    He didn’t care about euihyun. Everyone, even he himself knows that. He cares only after he saw how much he ruined his life, and still! He still wants him to he with him forever, not caring about him. He doesn’t love him, he’s obsessed with him. Now do you get it? Or do we need to go more into depth about why a rapist is awful?

    sH9 October 14, 2023 9:16 am

    that long comment was really neat.
    I also want to add that during the phase he was selling his body to TJ, TJ demanded EH be always at home available to him. Which means EH was forbidden to work, to have ANY KIND OF SOCIAL LIFE (the only people he met were the daycare worker for a minute or so, his little brother, and the neighbour for a few minutes of smoking) and just go outside for long. This is so bad both for physical and mental health.

    Fern October 14, 2023 10:59 pm
    that long comment was really neat. I also want to add that during the phase he was selling his body to TJ, TJ demanded EH be always at home available to him. Which means EH was forbidden to work, to have ANY KI... sH9

    MHM! EXACTLY. He literally isolated him, made him solely dependent on him. EH was literally going crazy with anxiety every day when he was alone, thinking about the worst things possible.