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ugh sorry i just dunno where to consult

doytch magient November 24, 2016 3:47 am

Can u confort me? My bestfriend's trying to avoid me cz something so small.. Can that kinda1a wawa sa l person even called friend anyway. it HURTS to be avoided. Really. Even tho i've apologized.
I dont really have many close friend so .. TT ^ TT

    Unorigional Artist November 24, 2016 3:49 am

    It's ok! Were all in this weird community together! What's wrong?

    Lana November 24, 2016 6:14 am

    Everything will be okay! I actually just went through the same thing with my best friend and it was really scary to not talk to her for like more than a week. I'd be more than happy to listen to anything you want to say!

    doytch magient November 24, 2016 7:50 am
    It's ok! Were all in this weird community together! What's wrong? Unorigional Artist

    Hahhaha thank you. Just see someone actually respond makes me really happy. Ugggh

    doytch magient November 24, 2016 7:55 am
    Everything will be okay! I actually just went through the same thing with my best friend and it was really scary to not talk to her for like more than a week. I'd be more than happy to listen to anything you wa... Lana

    Thank youI hope we dont have to face the same prob again. NEver Again. It's sooo awkward when i tried to greet her and smile like nothing happen just now

    Lana November 25, 2016 5:50 am
    Thank youI hope we dont have to face the same prob again. NEver Again. It's sooo awkward when i tried to greet her and smile like nothing happen just now doytch magient

    Oh yes I know how you feel. I hope the awkwardness goes away soon (●'◡'●)ノ