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Ppl can say anything but i so love this manhwa. I know the seme was not perfect he made mi...

Omelkhair October 14, 2023 7:47 pm

Ppl can say anything but i so love this manhwa. I know the seme was not perfect he made mistakes and he was part of the problem. I hated him for wht he did in the start but i also thanks him for helping the uke. Aside from the first time they had sex which is he raped him. He was kind and never hurt him physically he treated him nicely.

Note: i impulsively type and post this although i still stand on the point but i just realized that the context is lacking in many ways. My stand and point with better explanation can be read in the comments under this.


Edit again haha the heck i didn't know that if i edit my comment the reply under it will be deleted.

    toilet terrorist October 14, 2023 10:58 am

    You got stockholm syndrome too, come back when yoru brain has developed a bit more

    Simbiaa October 14, 2023 11:30 am

    You need serious help

    Maki October 14, 2023 12:00 pm

    I will say so that if you really don't understand. He forced him into a situation where he couldn't refuse the sexual relationship and couldn't tell him no because he was threatened by the dept, the other gangster that attacked him and by taejoo himself that he will throw him in a brothel and if you can't say no then yes doesn't mean anything. so basically every sexual encounter they had was rape.

    toilet terrorist October 14, 2023 12:06 pm
    I will say so that if you really don't understand. He forced him into a situation where he couldn't refuse the sexual relationship and couldn't tell him no because he was threatened by the dept, the other gangs... Maki

    Thank you, if its not FRIES its not fine. People just seem to forget the whole start of the story where the situation euihyun was in made him incapable of refusing without fear for his wellbeing. Power dynamics are so prevalent in this story yet people refuse to acknowledge it.

    beers October 14, 2023 3:54 pm

    You only focused on the good things that he did, but aside from that he forced him and he couldn't say no to it due to the amount of problems that he had and how scary he literally is

    Omelkhair October 14, 2023 4:07 pm
    You only focused on the good things that he did, but aside from that he forced him and he couldn't say no to it due to the amount of problems that he had and how scary he literally is beers

    No im not focusing only on the good side i recognized that there is a problem specially on communicating. Theres a lot of miscommunication. I think if they just tried to be real things can be settle but life does not work like that specially in their situation where they started pretty roughly and physical.

    Omelkhair October 14, 2023 4:26 pm
    I will say so that if you really don't understand. He forced him into a situation where he couldn't refuse the sexual relationship and couldn't tell him no because he was threatened by the dept, the other gangs... Maki

    Yeah i guess ur right. But if we take this practically the seme was not a good guy in the first place well they r gangsters although im not gonna conclude that he was worse than others. And this is omegaverse where normally omegas being looked at lowly and physical. He literally decide on taking his and his brother life bcz how hard it was for him and that's really sad. He was given a choice either he pay the debt in conventional way or using his body. If i remembered it right he declined at first but after he decided to accepted the offer bcz for him that has more benefits for his brother than work and left his brother alone. Again he actually given a choice. The sex after the first was consexual. I recognized that everything started roughly but i also recognized the fact that the seme also tried his best to help him. For me what lacking here is communication. If they r just able to talk abt their worries. You can come at me but i just tried to understand this story on most practical way possible.

    Maki October 14, 2023 5:53 pm
    Yeah i guess ur right. But if we take this practically the seme was not a good guy in the first place well they r gangsters although im not gonna conclude that he was worse than others. And this is omegaverse w... Omelkhair

    Im the opposite of coming at you, I was explaining how consent works. If you excuse it because it's fiction and omegaverse and you like the story that's a different story, I like the story too but I still criticize it and say that something wrong is wrong and not accept everything introduced to me.
    The important thing is these story don't affect your opinion about these topics in real life and make you think this is normal. Other than that you good enjoy the story

    Maki October 14, 2023 5:57 pm
    Thank you, if its not FRIES its not fine. People just seem to forget the whole start of the story where the situation euihyun was in made him incapable of refusing without fear for his wellbeing. Power dynamics... toilet terrorist

    I think ppl are so desensitized to rape in yaoi that they can't even acknowledge/recognize it anymore

    Omelkhair October 14, 2023 7:35 pm
    Im the opposite of coming at you, I was explaining how consent works. If you excuse it because it's fiction and omegaverse and you like the story that's a different story, I like the story too but I still criti... Maki

    I just explained how the story is, at least on how I understand it. We bear the consequences of our own choices. I recognize the fact that in his situation, using his body is the only best option he has, which is tragic and sad. And the seme used that weakness to his advantage, which is wrong, I agree on that. As much as I see so many red flags that happened, some actions were done subconsciously. I also want to give the seme the benefit of the doubt. Because at first, I feel like he thought that what he was doing was a form of help and sympathy, although the actions being used are inappropriate. I briefly believe that he was unaware of his actions primarily because of his job. It's a day-to-day life he grew accustomed to, where violence and sex are nothing new. As I read the story, I can feel the genuine sympathy he has for the two boys. Sadly, he just realized his feelings at the end, where it's kind of late because confusion and doubt emerge rapidly on to the uke.

    Omelkhair October 14, 2023 7:52 pm

    For the last person who replied on my response heres my response..

    I just explained how the story is, at least on how I understand it. We bear the consequences of our own choices that is for both of them. I recognize the fact that in his situation, using his body is the only best option he has, which is tragic and sad. And the seme used that weakness to his advantage, which is wrong, I agree on that. As much as I see so many red flags that happened, some actions were done subconsciously. I also want to give the seme the benefit of the doubt. Because at first, I feel like he thought that what he was doing was a form of help and sympathy, although the actions being used are inappropriate. I briefly believe that he was unaware of his actions primarily because of his job. It's a day-to-day life he grew accustomed to, where violence and sex are nothing new. As I read the story, I can feel the genuine sympathy he has for the two boys. Sadly, he just realized his feelings and wrongdoing at the end, where it's kind of late because confusion and doubt emerge rapidly to the uke. I seriously just want them to pla communicate PROPERLY!