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Trying to find yaoi

Yoa109 October 14, 2023 1:56 pm

This one yaoi where i think bottom and top went to same class in collage but top had terrible fashion in school. Then somehow bottom met top outside of school, (top has stylish clothes) and they started dating. But bottom still didnt know that the dude from his class with terrible fashion is actually top. (I think bottoms type was "someone wkth great fashion)

    ellie-chan October 14, 2023 2:06 pm

    i'm replying because I, too, have forgotten the title of this.

    kaede October 14, 2023 2:42 pm

    are u sure you didn't mix it up? like the seme was fashionable at school but pretended to be unfashionable outside like a nerd cause if you do the ig this is it or maybe i'm wrong idk

    ellie-chan October 14, 2023 2:52 pm
    are u sure you didn't mix it up? like the seme was fashionable at school but pretended to be unfashionable outside like a nerd cause if you do the ig this is it kaede

    oh yes i was referring to this one. ig i got it mixed up. i don't know about op tho,

    Yoa109 October 14, 2023 9:13 pm
    are u sure you didn't mix it up? like the seme was fashionable at school but pretended to be unfashionable outside like a nerd cause if you do the ig this is it kaede

    Oooh yes its this one. Thanks a lot ヾ(☆▽☆)