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i love how the animanga/fanfiction community took an inherently misogynistic/homophobic tr...

bishounensupremacy October 14, 2023 7:54 pm

i love how the animanga/fanfiction community took an inherently misogynistic/homophobic trope like omegaverse and used it to explore rly interesting concepts like:

is it really love if your dynamics are whats attracting you to each other? is it possible to fall in love with someone your primal instincts are telling you not to? what its like to live in a society where 'real love' is only available to a selective group of people? what if the person youre in love with is doomed to a life of physical and mental suffering if they dont bond with someone of a more compatible second gender?

of course it couldve been done without omegaverse but i really like the transition from "omg im a weak and fragile omega oh no im in heat an alpha assaulted me now we're in love" to stuff like alpha x beta/omega x beta/alpha x alpha/omega x omega etc. not a fan of the 'men can now get pregnant so its more heteronormative lol' part but the angst that comes with bonding and fated mates trope basically

    Gravenshi October 14, 2023 9:52 pm

    I wish I could have a summary.

    bishounensupremacy October 14, 2023 10:01 pm
    I wish I could have a summary. Gravenshi

    cant im lazyrn

    Gravenshi October 14, 2023 10:14 pm
    cant im lazyrn bishounensupremacy

    Same here. That's why I ain't reading all this.-.

    bishounensupremacy October 14, 2023 10:26 pm
    Same here. That's why I ain't reading all this.-. Gravenshi

    fair enough man

    Ambrosia October 15, 2023 3:01 am

    I agree, I think the best of the genre are the stories that challenge the tropes. There’s a well of potential for angst without needing to rely on assault. Do you have any recs for that? I have a few faves but haven’t read a lot of recent omegaverse, I might be missing out.